Meet the Neuro-Ability Team Catherine EustaceBAppSc (PT), IBITA Advanced Instructor Jennifer WooMPT BSc Megan ZhuMSc (PT), BKinesiology Maddy DuerrBScKin Elizabeth (Libby) Swain: MA (Motor Learning), BAppSc (PT), IBITA Advanced Instructor Callie CampMPT BEng Rebecca HarperMPT, BScHKin Anne WhittakerBSc (PT) Stephanie WongMSc (PT), BKinesiology Milan PalinicDip.OT/PTA, RA Chelsea Wong (On Maternity Leave)BSc.K, M.P.T. Sophie MelvinBSc PT Madi FriesenBScHKin Book a session with our team. Contact Us