Libby Swain
MA (Motor Learning), BAppSc (PT), IBITA Advanced Instructor,
Clinical Instructor (UBC Department of Physical Therapy)
Libby has over 35 years clinical physiotherapy experience in acute, rehabilitation and private settings spanning three different countries, working predominantly in neurological rehabilitation in all phases of the care continuum. Libby trained as a physical therapist in Melbourne, Australia, qualifying in 1985. She studied at Columbia University, New York to complete her masters in Motor Learning and Motor Control, 1989. After working in London, England for 2 years, Libby settled in Vancouver in 1991. An IBITA Bobath Instructor since 2002, Libby qualified as an Advanced Instructor in 2015, one of only three in Canada.
Between 1991 and 2005, Libby worked in the Acute Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Acute Spinal Cord Injury Programs at Vancouver General Hospital in addition to her responsibilities of coordination and mentorship as the Physiotherapy Neurosciences Clinical Practice Leader. In 2005, Libby left VGH and began working in private practice, starting Neuro-Ability with Cathy Eustace.
Libby is passionate about education and advancing neurological rehabilitation. She has over 20 years of consistent involvement with the UBC Physical Therapy Program in various capacities, and is currently a Clinical Instructor. Libby is a co-founding member of the Canadian Bobath Instructors Association and past Chair of the International Bobath Instructors Training Association. She instructs neurological rehabilitation clinical education courses and provides one-on-one clinical mentorship locally, nationally and internationally teaching clinicians and training international instructors.
Libby has also been involved in several international and national inter-disciplinary and physiotherapy-specific committees and initiatives pertinent to neurological rehabilitation (e.g., National Stroke Strategy Practices and Standards) and the education of healthcare professionals (e.g., CPA Specialization Committee). She is currently the treasurer of the Neurosciences Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. In 2018, she was honoured to be the first ever recipient of the Professional Service Award from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
Outside of her work in neuro-rehab, Libby loves getting into the wilderness (hiking, backcountry skiing, sea kayaking), and swims whenever she can.