Following Neurosurgery

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Trish’s Story

In 2019, I underwent spinal surgery to remove a malignant tumour close to my spinal cord. I came out of the surgery with rods in my back and my left leg partially paralyzed. My initial rehab at VGH rehab centre, although incredibly supportive, left me with a skeptical view of any possible nerve regeneration to remobilize my leg. I was totally dependant on a wheeled walker and my husband for assistance with most things. Having “graduated” from the government assisted physio program I was left to my own devices and decided I would seek more advanced therapy. It was my therapist at VGH who recommended NeuroAbility to me.

My first visit to Neuro-Ability was a pleasant and positive experience; from the friendly greeting at reception to the competent and self assured therapists. I found all there very welcoming and optimistic and was given a glimmer of hope for mobility returning to my left leg.

Their physiotherapy practice stems from a special form of training – The Bobath Method. These physiotherapists’ knowledge of muscles, facia, tendons and nerves is exceptional and their treatments are very “hands on” which I have found to be exceptionally beneficial in awakening areas that have been dormant or adopted “bad” habits.

Over the past 18 months, through the special training and treatments I have received at NeuroAbility, my nerves have regenerated to the point where, most days I now walk 4 to 6 kms with only my walking poles. I now dress myself and have re-acquired my driver’s licence.

I sincerely recommend anyone with debilitating movement issues to persevere and give these wonderful healers a whole hearted try as they have turned my hope of walking into a very enjoyable reality.


Madeleine’s Story

“A combination of a brain tumour and a stroke gave me complete left sided hemiplegia and hemianesthesia at 32 years old. 

Upon exit from hospital, the Neuro Ability team took in my physical status and goals, and immediately began putting their wealth of knowledge and expertise toward facilitating my physical rehabilitation progress. They make for an amazing support team!”