Courses: CBIA


 Up-to-date, high quality education post graduate courses are essential for developing therapists skills and enhancing effectiveness with patients rehabilitation programmes. Neuro-Ability is a committed leader in neurological rehabilitation. We are strongly committed to providing a learning environment for our staff as well as instructing and hosting weekend education courses for physiotherapists across British Columbia.

Catherine Eustace and Libby Swain are IBITA Instructors and teach qualified physiotherapists and occupational therapists across Canada under the organization of Canadian Bobath Instructors Association (CBIA), a component of the Neurosciences division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. CBIA develops, organizes and instructs high quality, standardized Canadian Bobath Courses. All courses are related to the treatment of individuals with neurological conditions. For full details of upcoming courses visit the website: 

Many 2-day CBIA courses are hosted by Neuro-Ability. These short Bobath courses include:

  • The Relationship of Activation of the Core and the Limbs 

  • Treatment and Management of the Hemiplegic Shoulder and Upper Limb

  • Specific Training to Improve Locomotion

  • The Study of Human Movement 

  • Assessment and Treatment of the Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Patient  

  • Conceptual Perspectives and Clinical Application: Course for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Students

  • Applying Neurophysiology to Orthopaedic Practice